Wednesday, June 18, 2008

in transit

finally in amsterdam! took a while to get here. first thing we saw when we got off the plane...A CASINO BAR. crazy. i think we were both really tempted to go, but its like 7 am here and it wasn't too busy. so we decided to utilize what little common sense we have...instead, we had mcdonalds...not too sure how well that worked out because now i kinda feel like puking. zoheb almost cried (for those that know him know his love for ketchup) when they told him there was an extra charge, it was a lot to swallow.

the flight itself wasn't very bad. just long. we initially were sitting on opposite sides of the plane...but after some smooth talking from big brother (i asked the front counter person if there were two available side by side), we were moved! zoheb slept most of the way (what a surprise)...wait, this might be worth touching on. before zoheb slept, he was reading. that in itself is really odd...but when i saw what he was reading, i almost pissed myself laughing. he is reading the book version of PS I LOVE YOU. poor guy only managed to get to page five...not sure if thats because he was tired of because of my laughing. i watched some movies on my in-seat entertainment system for most of the flight and slept for a bit. not too shabby. there could have been some better movies though.

anyways, we have some time to kill before taking off to nairobi. the flight is about 9 hours. we ran into some of zohebs team mates in the airport. hmmm...well not really much to say about them. made for an awkward conversation in the middle of the airport. 

anyways, i will attempt to update this again later on. see if we can get a connection in nairobi.

1 comment:

Naseem said...

Good job boys - I am glad that you made it to Nairobi. Have fun and hope that Canada does well in the games