Wednesday, June 25, 2008

let the games begin...

so...well tajikistan...what can i say. they were super rough. we were winning by 15 at half time. in the fourth quarter, their star player dropped 25 points and they won by 4. what a dissapointment!!!!!!

we had our second game against kenya today. they had a canadian player on the team. 6'6, 230 pounds. huge guy. we came to play though. we won by 40! tomorrow we play USA blue (team from dallas). that will be a good game. they are pretty good so it should be nothing short of competitive.

zohebs team played awesome today. they played against syria. they won by 40 as well. he played really well. they have two games tomorrow. 1 against pakistan and 1 against USA red (all star team). their second game tomorrow will be really good. USA red is really good and big as is zohebs team.

interesting to see all these people from around the world. like as i am sitting right now, a pakistani man is sitting on the phone next to me. yelling in the phone....doesnt that sound familiar? hmmm...other then that, not much to report on. round robin for basketball ends tomorrow. the quarter finals and semi finals start after that. i will post tomorrow and let you all know how we finish. should make for a really interesting day.

i think we are finding it hard to adjust to life here. you have someone to do everything for you. someone picks up your dishes, your clothes, your garbage. its tough. i picked up a plate the other day after i ate at someones house and i got yelled at! anyways...destroya (read earlier posts) and i are rolling out in a bit so i must go shower.


jasminrc said...

Hi Zaheen and Zoheb
Jambo habari gani mzuri asante sana

I these familar word you guys must have picked it by now. Happy to know that you are enjoying.
good luck to both of you

best regds

Naseem said...

Hello Boys.
Glad to hear that you are doing well. Have you guys been on your Safari yet?
Well don't get used to the idea of having someone do everything for you cos that ain't gonna happen here!!.
Nice to read your comments.
Love Aunty Naseem

Anonymous said...

team blue team blue team blue! :)

Unknown said...

Go Z & Z Go, I am cheering for you two. Well Tajikistan look like sleep dogs wake up after half time so now you know you play the best all the time. Good Luck! I miss you both the most. No one to bug No one to call. Have fun and hope you go for the half day safari. Go Team Canada Go.
Love, Jani & Mom

Aleem said...

Hey Zaheen, I hope you're having an amazing time. They've posted a few pictures up of yourself and "the destroyer" online at Check them out when you get a chance. Congrats on the medal! I'm not sure who got the silver and who (your team or Zoheb's) won the bronze either way congrats!
