Saturday, July 5, 2008

the end...for me at least.. time flies when you are having fun...

we spent the day yesterday (Friday) at an outdoor beach club. was really cool! we jet skied, hung out, swam, drank and just had an overall good time. zoheb attempted to jump on the jet ski with me after I had specifically said I did not want to go with another guy and he tipped the whole thing over. I managed to cut up my chest and legs, but it made for a good laugh. 

we hung out at the plastik (the beach club) for the entire day. ended up staying there way later then any of us thought we would. i managed to barely get back to the flat, pack my bags and make my way to the airport.

i took a cab because it was quite late and no one was really in any shape to drive...probably wasn't the best idea because the cab driver started dozing off on the high way. either way, i finally made it to the airport and started the journey. am about half way thru. still got the leg end of the trip to go.

anyways...its been a ball. hope this has been as entertaining to read as it has been to write. i'll be seeing all (most) of you soon.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

DOOO-BYE this place is everything and more of what people have described it as. 

we got off the plane on monday at 7pm and it was 102 F outside. like just nuts. there was a sandstorm a few days back so everything looks hazy. you cant really see things in the distance. 

our arrival was overshadowed with some really sad news. a good from from home was beaten and shot. his body was found on the side of a high way not from merritt. RIP SALIM K. YOU WILL BE MISSED!

monday night we just hung out. went and got some food, talked and planned out the week. tuesday, we were fortunate enough to get a boat tour of the world islands. that was nuts. wow. like just unbelievable. the things that are happening here will blow your mind. this entire city is really built on money.

for the rest of the day, we just hung out, checked out the mall and got a hair cut. at night, we went to buddah bar for dinner (AMAZING) and then to a club called 400 (just like a vegas club). you know how they say everything is bigger in vegas ( or something like that) dubai, when you order a bottle of alcohol in the club, the music stops and two guys bring out the bottle (which is for some reason 3 times bigger then any bottle i have ever seen) with sparklers on their shoulders. just insane!

wednesday i got to meet up with a friend from van. that was nice. once again, so freakin' hot again. spent the day going around and exploring some more of the city. went out for dinner again and then out. crazy night. went to this guys house at the end of the night. this guy and his brother bought four apartments in this huge building. tore down some walls and made it into three suites. 1 for one brother, the other for the other brother and one for the maids. this guys place is just insane. like the craziest gadgets i have ever seen.

its actually really interesting. going from one of the most dangerous and under-developed countries in the world to one of the safest and richest. stores here are left open when no one is in the store, no security systems in the stores...its just really interesting to see. i really hope that does not change. another thing, gas is sooooo freakin' cheap here. a 4 x 4 costs the equivalent of $25 cad to fill up! now thats s'awesome.

today we are going go-karting on this guys private track. his karts go up to 125 km/hour. this should be really interesting.

will keep you updated on how that goes and if we survive.